Title: Candy Cake
created on 12 Feb 10

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Comments on this picture (10):
1. mekeys wrote:
 I meant to put candles on it ,but got in a hurry to submit.pretend it has candles..
2. Hazer wrote:
 OK...if I get to blow them out!
3. Hazer wrote:
 Nicely done by the way!
4. lilalee wrote:
 I'm pretending, now blow them out, and cut the cake please!!
5. Angela wrote:
 GM. No-no, I'll just have the big piece!
6. mekeys wrote:
 Thanks for your comments..
7. mekeys wrote:
 I started with the idea of trying to do an optical illusion,got lost on the way..
8. Normal wrote:
 Looks like you're expecting a crowd. Save me a piece!
9. Doug wrote:
 No sprinkles?
10. Login wrote:
 I missed this ... has it all gone, Mel?