Title: Get Off My Lawn
created on 11 Feb 10

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Comments on this picture (9):
1. stevedover1965 wrote:
 Very stern looking chap, nicely done!
2. Ilikecolor wrote:
 Yes-sir! Can I get my frisbee first? (Cool drawing.)
3. Shanley wrote:
 scary! but good!
4. lsuperior wrote:
 Great face!
5. Heidi2323 wrote:
 You have captured my finicky neighbor perfectly!!!LOL
6. ferretkiss wrote:
 like it!
7. gimzer wrote:
 Oooh. You don't have to tell me twice!
8. NADIA wrote:
 Nicely done!
9. hjjr wrote:
 i think i know this old dude...

User: Nikkiro

Profile Picture for Nikkiro

Date joined: 10 Feb 2010

Number of pictures: 3