Title: IT'S COLD...
created on 10 Feb 10

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. Sarahad524 wrote:
 looks cold... brrrrrrrrrrr
2. tunatovah50 wrote:
 hehe, looks just like animallvr101's! cute pic.
3. Animallvr101 wrote:
 um...just saying I already did one like that.
4. lizaE wrote:
5. Doug wrote:
 Nice one ross...still think you need to work on more complicated pieces. I'm still watching.
6. Doug wrote:
 If you like we could have a matching game. You draw a pik and ask me to do it my way and we'll see what happens. I've been busy so it might take me a few to do it. ok?
7. lilalee wrote:
 Good one!