Title: Sun Re Shining Bright
created on 10 Feb 10

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. GingerNinja wrote:
 this took 1 hour and 14 min. to complete....even though it is so simple!! haha :)
2. pollyesther wrote:
 Nice work! this really stands out
3. tunatovah50 wrote:
 lovely picture! i love the colors. (you spelt ray wrong...:)u know how bad i am about correcting spelling! LOL)
4. GingerNinja wrote:
 Re/Ra is the Egyptian sun god..I googled!!
5. Heidi2323 wrote:
 You are a very talented young lady. Please keep making pictures. I am enjoying your work a lot.
6. GingerNinja wrote:
 Heidi2323, thank you very much. your pictures are some of my favourites on this site! Believe me...i will be making pictures on this site for a long time!! :)haha ~Ginger♥☺
7. Lionlover129 wrote:
 hehe! Good job! this reminded me of the song The circle of Life In the Lion King... U no I love the Lion King! One of the best movies....
8. tunatovah50 wrote:
 ginger..."ohhhh" re: the sun god thingie, i know what you're talkin' 'bout!