Title: the child in me LA NIÑA EN MI
created on 08 Feb 10

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Comments on this picture (9):
1. Heidi2323 wrote:
 Reminds me of those little pot holders we would make as children with those stretchy loops.
2. lilalee wrote:
 Wow, a totally different use of this background!! Your so smart!!
3. NADIA wrote:
 This is Nice Polenta!
4. Qsilv wrote:
 (smiles) it was your patterns that first drew me to your work... I love them still. This one's clever, and the colors perfect for a baby blanket, soft yet bright.
5. franca wrote:
 Bellissima coperta!!!!!
6. gimzer wrote:
 very pretty.
7. danila wrote:
 pretty NIÑA in you!!
8. shosho wrote:
 so cute child !!
9. five wrote:
 wonderful pattern