Title: carnival II CARNAVAL II
created on 06 Feb 10

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Comments on this picture (13):
1. Heidi2323 wrote:
 Cool one!
2. franca wrote:
 Molto bella questa maschera di carnevale!!! Ciao polenta..
3. pollyesther wrote:
 Interesting, beautiful work.
4. papergirl wrote:
 I love the feel of this. It exudes a distinct mood. Very nice!
5. Normal wrote:
 Amazing outfit! Elizabethan ruff? Love the pink hair too!
6. Shanley wrote:
 you really captured that weird atmosphere!
 Very nice
8. danila wrote:
 interessante e di effetto Polenta..
9. kyung wrote:
 A queen's outfit? Really nice drawing :O)
10. mebu27 wrote:
 She looks as though she is ready for the celebration! Good one!
11. mekeys wrote:
 Very nice picture..
12. belladonnis wrote:
 Lovely polenta!! You are going to share all the details and fun you are having???!!!
13. NADIA wrote:
 Ditto to all the above!