Title: the flower bird flying south!
created on 30 Jan 10

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Comments on this picture (4):
1. briash4 wrote:
 it is sure windy......<debbie hope u like this.....I mean debray!!!!!lol
2. debray wrote:
 I sure do like it Erin!! You must have made this yesterday when it was windy and storming!! Do you know why God created the wind??
3. debray wrote:
 So that the seeds from the plants would blow around and land in dirt and grow new plants!! And the lightning in the storms actually makes the grass and trees greener...
4. debray wrote:
 And of course we need rain for the plants to grow...Is it the thunder, lightning or wind that you are so afraid of?? It's ok, lightning makes me nervous..

User: briash4

Profile Picture for briash4

Date joined: 1 Jul 2009

Number of pictures: 30