Title: Punky's Summer Day
created on 09 Nov 08

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Comments on this picture (13):
1. sheftali52 wrote:
 Very nice!
2. Jovi wrote:
 Thank you, sheftali52, I wanted to draw a picture that was reminiscent of a perfect day from this last summer: Punky basking in the sun...
3. lynnspotter wrote:
 great expression!
4. nancylee wrote:
 A true cat!
5. candr wrote:
 It's the cat's meow! :-)
6. lizmeister wrote:
 Such gorgeous fur. Glad to see you putting another pix on!
7. Jovi wrote:
 Thank you, lynnspotter; I wanted Punky to enjoy the day, so a contented smile seemed like the expression to give.
8. Jovi wrote:
 Thank you, nancylee. Punky is the cat of all cats - in my mind. But Punky believes he is human!
9. Jovi wrote:
 Thank you candr; I'm delighted to take your compliment - especially since I can see (from looking at your pics) that you fancy cats.
10. Jovi wrote:
 Thank you, lizmeister; I'm pleased that you like my feline's fur. It was hard to get the look of Punky's fur. I wanted it to feel like it flowed naturally, with his strips of color.
11. hdwildmustang wrote:
 You did a nice job. Thats a big kitty cat you have there
12. Jovi wrote:
 Hi hdwildmustang. Yes, Punky is a big cat with some real muscles. If he doesn't want to get off the bed - well, he is NOT getting off the bed and no one can make him. Actually, he is a good natured fellow in every way!
13. pollyesther wrote:
 just makes me want to pet him, he looks soft and cuddly

User: Jovi

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Date joined: 23 Jul 2008

Number of pictures: 35

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