Title: rainbow woman MUJER ARCOIRIS
created on 21 Jan 10

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Comments on this picture (17):
1. pollyesther wrote:
 love your style polenta.
2. marg wrote:
 such as this ! - do you mind if I steal the idea, polenta ?
3. marg wrote:
 oh, thank you, polenta.. but only if you take some time and use the 'fruit' light to do something (i.e. my previous two pictures)!
4. marg wrote:
 P.S. polenta.. if I had time and ever did any preparation, I wouldn't submit 99% of the pictures I actually DO submit !
5. franca wrote:
 New style and very elegant pic!!! Sei unica...brava!!!
6. yufie wrote:
 nice avatar. love it
7. Qsilv wrote:
 I love this; it's so like what we used to do as kids: cover a page in random rainbow colors, then wholly in black crayon, then scrape a real drawing through the black. Quite an original approach here in TD!
8. sheftali52 wrote:
 This is indeed very original and clever!
9. shosho wrote:
10. Normal wrote:
 Ditto Qsilv. Nifty new TD method. Bravo!
11. Heidi2323 wrote:
 Love this idea!
12. hjjr wrote:
13. Shanley wrote:
 original each time!
14. lsuperior wrote:
 She's cool. Love the concept
15. buzz wrote:
 excellenta polenta
16. Angela wrote:
 You do such interesting things with these bits & pieces!
17. coho wrote:
  Really cool!!!! I also used to do this kind of drawing as a kid. I've been away from td and have missed so many great pictures.Going to take me ages to catch up.