Title: searching in the GIANTS Land
created on 12 Jan 10

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Comments on this picture (9):
1. lilalee wrote:
 A beauty!!
2. danila wrote:
 strange, I couldn't give the title I had chosen: searching in the GIANTS Land..it accepted only my name..BOH!!
3. indigo wrote:
 So pretty! I see a cat head, the eye, the ears, in the purple color, his head is down. Love it!
4. danila wrote:
5. franca wrote:
 Very nice!!!!
6. Qsilv wrote:
 hmm... Danila, have you tried using the Edit button to change the title? I love the colors and the concept. ;>
7. polenta wrote:
 una bellezza!!!
8. sheftali52 wrote:
9. danila wrote:
 Tks Qsilv, I kept trying many times, now finally it did accept the changes