Title: old house by the creek
created on 28 Dec 09

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Comments on this picture (9):
1. Qsilv wrote:
 I like this... a LOT. That "Homes" challenge ended too soon! ;>
2. sheftali52 wrote:
3. matthew wrote:
 Wonderful pic Polenta...
4. katpedro wrote:
5. Login wrote:
 Is that a typical uraguayan house, polenta?
6. polenta wrote:
 No, it isn't a typical Uruguayan house. What is typical is that houses are not made of wood but of material(bricks or cement etc)
7. hjjr wrote:
 lovely house, polenta!
8. coho wrote:
 What a peaceful place!
9. lsuperior wrote:
 Very inviting-looking cottage. Would like to vacation there with my husband!!