Title: Christmas Greetings from Trinidad
created on 21 Dec 09

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. GOLDIEGIRL8 wrote:
 Nice tree.
2. Sakari wrote:
 Thank you and Merry Christmas to you!!
3. mekeys wrote:
 Christmas greetings from SOUTH WEST lOUISIANA USA..
4. lilalee wrote:
 Ohio, says Merry Christmas!!
5. Judy wrote:
 Another Ohio checks in for Merry Christmas too. Great tree.
6. Angela wrote:
 You have a whole lot of xmas in your gallery that I missed. I love hearing about your activities! I depend on you to be having a good time.
7. Angela wrote:
 When I write to you, I take on your accent - I know your voice!
8. katpedro wrote:
 OK Angela that's a good sign.

User: katpedro

Profile Picture for katpedro

Date joined: 16 Jan 2009

Number of pictures: 1391
