Title: HELP!!!!!
created on 17 Dec 09

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Comments on this picture (13):
1. polenta wrote:
2. indigo wrote:
 Are you OK? LOL! Or did you drop your strawberry shortcake on the floor. he he! ;)
3. polenta wrote:
 I can't believe I did this. It's so crazy!!!!!!
4. Login wrote:
 Crazy and brilliant.
5. Baldur wrote:
 oh no, the Goons got her!
6. polenta wrote:
 What are the Goons????
7. Hazer wrote:
8. polenta wrote:
 Is a goon a thug or you mean foolish? I looked it up in Wikipedia.
9. five wrote:
10. Login wrote:
 Both/either, polenta.
11. katpedro wrote:
12. sheftali52 wrote:
 Very creative!
13. Normal wrote:
 Uh, oh! Too many gory mystery novels?