Title: Cupid about to shoot the arrow
created on 10 Dec 09

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Comments on this picture (11):
1. franca wrote:
 Che bel Cupido! Buon lavoro e continua cosi. Ciao polenta
2. puzzler wrote:
 Polenta, knowing how keen you are on getting the language right, your caption has a small error. Instead of 'throw', it should be shoots or fires. Great pic!
3. mekeys wrote:
 Still the pic is cute,thats what counts..
4. pollyesther wrote:
 very cute!
5. danila wrote:
 yes..what count is the picture..lovely and cute..
6. polenta wrote:
 Puzzler, I THANK YOU SO MUCH. Of course I should've used shoots instead of throws. I would so much like any native speaker to correct any mistake I have. It would be of great help for me.
7. Login wrote:
 I'm sure puzzler knew that, polenta. We all know how much you want your English to be perfect. In fact , your English is so good that the errors are rare ... so it's unlikely there will be many corrections.
8. sheftali52 wrote:
 marvelous, Polenta!!!
9. arty wrote:
 What a naughty look in his eye. Nice
10. puzzler wrote:
 Glad to be of service Polenta!
11. sunnysnow11 wrote:
 Looks just like him!