Title: The King and His Young Son
created on 07 Dec 09

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Comments on this picture (12):
1. polenta wrote:
2. belladonnis wrote:
 Thank you polenta!
3. mekeys wrote:
 Really very good..
4. sheftali52 wrote:
 Very cool!
5. Hazer wrote:
 Excellent pic belladonnis! Silhouettes are a favorite of mine and this one is so well done!
6. shosho wrote:
 v. good .
7. Login wrote:
 It grabbed me ... great!
8. franca wrote:
 Fantastic pic!!!! Bravo...
9. katpedro wrote:
 Great pic.
10. Shanley wrote:
 I missed this one. it's so nicely done!
11. belladonnis wrote:
12. kyung wrote:
 I missed it too. Beautiful!!