Title: Wallygator LAGARTO JUANCHO
created on 04 Dec 09

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. matthew wrote:
 Cool pic... Wallygator??? Is there a story behind this...
2. Shanley wrote:
 what an adorable creature! i like it!
3. polenta wrote:
 I thought there was a cartoon alligator character called Wallygator and translated as Lagarto Juancho. It was decades ago.
4. Ilikecolor wrote:
 Very cool!
5. indigo wrote:
 Amazing! I think I saw this in a museum! VERY good!
6. sheftali52 wrote:
7. Angela wrote:
 There was a WallyGator!!! I loved him but not many remember him.
8. hjjr wrote:
 You are so inventive...