Title: For a4e4ka-All Dogs Go To Heaven
created on 30 Nov 09

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Comments on this picture (5):
1. Dragon wrote:
 a4e4ka- I was saddened to hear about the loss of you dog. I firmly beleive that our pets wait for us in heaven (It just wouldn't be heaven without them)
2. Angela wrote:
 Amen Dragon. I'm sorry for your heart as well.
3. Dragon wrote:
 Fortunately I haven't lost anyone recently, but a4e4ka mentioned she lost her dog on the weekend, I just wanted to give her a little comfort.
4. danila wrote:
 Right you are Dragon..I do believe that all the animals, in particular our pets are: little souls,more pure than many people!!If there's a Paradise, they 'll be in there!!
5. addyirene08 wrote:
 Danila, what do you mean "if" there's a Paradise? Of course there is!