Title: l'arbre sous le soleil
created on 25 Nov 09

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Comments on this picture (9):
1. GOLDIEGIRL8 wrote:
2. jarchica4 wrote:
 Is it "The Tree Under The Sun"? It's pretty cool...
3. katpedro wrote:
 Very nice.
4. indigo wrote:
 A most interesting tree polenta! Thank-you for your comment on my bouquet. :]
5. danila wrote:
6. DIAMANTE wrote:
 I like it very much.
7. franca wrote:
 Solo tu potevi avere questa idea!!! Molto bello e ti voglio bene, ciao
8. Normal wrote:
 Drawn by la plume de ma tante? Nice tree!
9. NADIA wrote:
 I love the way you portray these picture,unique and lovely!