Title: domestic violence VIOLENCIA DOMESTICA
created on 22 Nov 09

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Comments on this picture (11):
1. lilalee wrote:
 Tell someone!!
2. Angela wrote:
 Tell Everyone! and get yourself safe. Very bold & important message Polenta.
3. polenta wrote:
 Well, I didn't explain. It's not me. It's a general message.
4. polenta wrote:
 Oh, my dear husband... he's a gentleman and a gentle, good man. LOL
5. Angela wrote:
 I thought it was a very important social message to all. I wish everyone would see this.
6. Angela wrote:
 I wasn't clear. ...because there is so much domestic abuse.
7. Shanley wrote:
 Angela's right. Nobody should live under terror. Great dramatic pic, Polenta. The red, the screaming, the gestures...clearly somebody reaching out for help.
8. hjjr wrote:
 'tis art, polenta.
9. sheftali52 wrote:
 a message expressed well
10. marius wrote:
 Unusual and most effective picture for a badly needed message! do you know that in the bathrooms in hospital emergency rooms they have posters about domestic violence? The posters have phone numbers you can call.
11. hxxhxx wrote:
 Excellent topic. Perhaps you would submit this to a battered women's shelter, they might appreciate it.