Title: gothic soccer football
created on 20 Nov 09

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Comments on this picture (20):
1. Shanley wrote:
 cool pic!
2. lilalee wrote:
3. danila wrote:
 perfect Polenta
4. tkeys wrote:
 Awesome ! Brilliant way to lay it all out.
5. artsyx1 wrote:
 Perfect! I love it, Polenta!
6. Sakari wrote:
 Wow, so very cool.
7. Hazer wrote:
 Fantastic pic!
8. DIAMANTE wrote:
 Very, very good.
9. mekeys wrote:
 Good graphic drawing..
10. sheftali52 wrote:
 This is just excellent!!!
11. marg wrote:
 what a superb icon for soccer !
12. kleinmond wrote:
 SO COOL! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
13. matthew wrote:
 Wonderful precision...
14. Doug wrote:
 Great polenta! Another masterpiece!
15. Normal wrote:
 Always liked these Olympic logos - this is a neat one. Should be in the MOTION challenge.
16. inked_gemini wrote:
 Fantastic polenta. This is so cool.
17. polenta wrote:
 thank you all for your kind comments. I was inspired probably by the fact Uruguay qualified for the 2010 South Africa World Championship... There we go.....
18. UltraV wrote:
 It is really cool and awesome and it looks awesome.
19. potatoesoftheworld wrote:
 its, "futbol"
20. Login wrote:
 Thanks for bringing this old logo to life again, polenta. My son was a small child the last time I saw it. It says it all.