Title: happiness FELICIDAD
created on 18 Nov 09

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Comments on this picture (15):
1. belladonnis wrote:
 So playful and sweet!
2. Nylecoj wrote:
 I love how you double name your pictures! Forgive my ignorance, but what is the second language?
3. Shanley wrote:
 Spanish, Nylecoj. nice pic, Polenta!
4. DIAMANTE wrote:
 Se ve muy tierna esa niña. Very kind girl.
5. polenta wrote:
 Yes, Nylecoj Spanish
6. Nylecoj wrote:
 I figured it was Spanish, but I only know a tiny bit, so I wasn't sure :)
7. Login wrote:
 This is so nice. It takes me back in time.
8. Hazer wrote:
 This was such a fun pastime when I was a girl...thanks for the memories!
9. sheftali52 wrote:
 there's a lot of childhood happiness captured here!
10. arty wrote:
 Lovely polenta
11. indigo wrote:
 Nicely done polenta!
12. franca wrote:
 Viva la felicita'!!!! Bravo Polenta!!!!!
13. marg wrote:
 ah hah.. so the prisoner has dressed up as a little girl and is escaping via the crane ?
14. marg wrote:
 (just joking.. but she does look rather scared of heights !)
15. Login wrote:
 This is still fun to look at.