Title: sitting and thinking SENTADA Y PENSANDO
created on 11 Nov 09

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. matthew wrote:
 Whatcha think'n?
2. Hazer wrote:
 That was a lot of work polenta! Well done!
3. a4e4ka wrote:
 Your lady has a head of an antique statue! Love your use of colors - very relaxing...
4. hjjr wrote:
 i reiterate a4e4ka. polenta, you are so clever.
5. indigo wrote:
 Ditto all above!
6. pollyesther wrote:
 oh, this is wonderful Polenta! I love the fade effect in the background.
7. franca wrote:
 Cosa pensa? Beautiful pic!
8. coho wrote:
 This is Stellar! very cool!