Title: city at night CIUDAD DE NOCHE
created on 07 Nov 09

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Comments on this picture (9):
1. pollyesther wrote:
 oh Polenta, this is wonderful!
2. arty wrote:
 You just have to put this on canvas, so modern and beautiful.
3. danila wrote:
 Tale Story..so sweet Polenta..
4. indigo wrote:
 Ditto arty! Nicely done polenta!
5. matthew wrote:
 Oh, how very interesting... I like this a lot Polenta...
6. Shanley wrote:
 very nice, Polenta!
7. NADIA wrote:
 Absolutely LOVE this!
8. coho wrote:
 Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!!!!
9. coho wrote:
 Love the dog nose as windows!!!