Title: Good morning - smell the daisies
created on 22 Oct 09

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Comments on this picture (12):
1. NADIA wrote:
 Good Morning,this little guy is Adorable:)
2. polenta wrote:
 good morning!!!! I'm smelling. It's a nice day here.
3. NADIA wrote:
 Arty,go to the forum,under community you will see mudgots challenge XVI.That's the challenge mouse started.
4. katpedro wrote:
 Good Morning I intend to have a great day.
5. Trixie wrote:
 Good Morning to you!
6. lilalee wrote:
 Good day to you also!!
7. marg wrote:
 oh.. these are lovely daisies, and so's the little guy - thanks for the smile ! :)
8. indigo wrote:
 Thank you for the good morning and good afternoon to you! You're little guy and daisies are a welcome as I have a gray,rainy cold fall day. Good day for TD and a bit of housework.
9. Login wrote:
 TD and housework mix well (to a point). More TD and less housework is the norm here.
10. Login wrote:
 arty, this reminds me of something marius was writing about on radio Baldur yesterday "... listening to the grass". It makes delightful reading: #3223 09:48
11. Login wrote:
 ... and I love this picture ... it's happy.
12. buzz wrote:
 I keep coming back to this for the smiles it brings to me--good day to you too