Title: Pumpkin Time
created on 19 Oct 09

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. indigo wrote:
 Good afternoon Kat! Hope things are better for your Mom.
2. lilalee wrote:
 Good one, and hope your mom is doing better!!
3. Hazer wrote:
 Missed your heart pic before so Know your friends at TD care. Stay strong and well!
4. katpedro wrote:
 Thanks so much. She is no where worst but you know she needs lots attention.
5. NADIA wrote:
 Nice pumpkin Katpedro.I didn't know about your mother,but you have all my blessings!
6. katpedro wrote:
 Thanks so much.
7. Angela wrote:
 Beautiful Pumpkin K! I like different.

User: katpedro

Profile Picture for katpedro

Date joined: 16 Jan 2009

Number of pictures: 1391
