Title: With all my Hearts
created on 16 Oct 09

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Comments on this picture (10):
1. katpedro wrote:
 Not much time these days, Busy with my Mom. No having very good days.
2. Angela wrote:
 All your hearts is all that matters. You know that.
3. indigo wrote:
 I'm very sorry to hear that Kat, prayers to you and yours.
4. lilalee wrote:
 Moms are important, and caring for them is sometimes difficult. I wish you both well, and blessings!!
5. hjjr wrote:
 this is very pretty pic. all the best to you.
6. gocards wrote:
 I'm sorry about your mother. Prayers to you and her.
7. polenta wrote:
 I hope nothing bad is happening to your mother. Nice title katpedro
8. arty wrote:
 Mother are soooo special. Love her with all your eart, but remember YOU need time too , to be able to cope. I learned that too late with my dear husband. Now I feel drained. All prayers for you both.
9. katpedro wrote:
 Thanks so much. Mom is 92, she is not bed ridden but does not feel well esp on mornings. I live next to her and try to be there for her most times. Thanks again for all the kind thoughts and prayers.
10. buzz wrote:
 sweet pic from a sweetheart daughter --sweet wishes to you and your mom

User: katpedro

Profile Picture for katpedro

Date joined: 16 Jan 2009

Number of pictures: 1391
