Title: skating PATINANDO
created on 15 Oct 09

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Comments on this picture (16):
1. lilalee wrote:
 Geez, I'm painting ice skates today!! This is nice!!
2. Angela wrote:
 This is So Nice! Brought back good memories ;]
3. katpedro wrote:
 Very nice Polenta.
4. Hazer wrote:
 Great pic!
5. bettycracker wrote:
6. DMarcella wrote:
 Really great. Is this a figure 8?
7. Login wrote:
 Very good ... but now I feel cold.
8. mrozowski wrote:
 Cool, literally and figuratively (bad pun). Great detail. Is that a triple axle?
9. Ilikecolor wrote:
 I can hear the blades scraping the ice!
10. indigo wrote:
 PERFECT! Great pic!
11. kmkagle wrote:
 You're getting good there lady! I have to get you one of those "reserved" signs in Top 5.
12. sheftali52 wrote:
 Love this!
13. Dragon wrote:
 Wow, this is fantastic polenta! I just love your style. I often see a picture standing out from the others and think "That looks like polenta's"
14. NADIA wrote:
 Beautiful,nice Polenta!
15. Shanley wrote:
 great dynamic pic!
16. marg wrote:
 oh yes !