Title: Pin-tailed Whydah
created on 14 Oct 09

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Comments on this picture (11):
1. NADIA wrote:
 This is a Fantastic Picture,(Beautiful Bird)!
2. indigo wrote:
 Wonderful! You're very good! Now I have to look this up.
3. lilalee wrote:
 He is in my bird book!! Lovely!!
4. Hazer wrote:
 Love your bird pics!
5. Angela wrote:
6. marg wrote:
 beautiful.. love the reflection on the beak !
7. mebu27 wrote:
 we may have to call you "artsy"! you are really good!
8. arty wrote:
 Thank everyone. Birds are great, I love them
9. DIAMANTE wrote:
 it is beautiful. I imagine it singing.
10. Login wrote:
 Whydah do heck can't I draw like that?
11. Login wrote:
 You're good at birds, arty.