Title: Octopus's Garden
created on 02 Oct 09

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Comments on this picture (6):
1. coho wrote:
 Octopus realy do keep gardens of a type. I had the great good fortune living in Spain to get acquainted with one. He kept an area in front of his grotto decorated with shells and bottle caps and pieces of glass. I think it has something to do with attract
2. coho wrote:
 attracting girls.
3. Hazer wrote:
 Nice pic, coho!
4. NADIA wrote:
 He is so Cute!
5. indigo wrote:
 Wow! Your story is SO interesting, you're lucky! Ringo would approve this octopus and his garden ;]
6. roshheennx123 wrote:
 Woahh thats wickedddddd.