Title: Good Morning Folks
created on 30 Sep 09

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. NADIA wrote:
 Good Morning,rainy day in Windhoek,hope your's is sunny!
2. mekeys wrote:
 Good Morning..Bright and sunny here..
3. polenta wrote:
 morning everybody
4. Hazer wrote:
 GM to all!It's promising to be a sunny day here but my husband said he was driving in snow farther north.BRRRR!!
5. lilalee wrote:
 Wonderful day!!
6. Angela wrote:
 GM 2 U!
7. katpedro wrote:
 It is 3.28 pb. It has been sunny. Until 15 mins ago, rain is drizzling and it is so humid. I feel like shedding my clothes.

User: katpedro

Profile Picture for katpedro

Date joined: 16 Jan 2009

Number of pictures: 1391
