Title: the necklace EL COLLAR
created on 22 Sep 09

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Comments on this picture (9):
1. NADIA wrote:
 This is a beautiful necklace!
2. marg wrote:
 beautiful - now I wonder where the expression 'collared' (as in 'he was collared by the law') came from ?
3. arty wrote:
 Emeralds. How beautiful
4. hxxhxx wrote:
 marg -- in the 1800s and earlier, criminals were put in the stocks, including a wooden collar, so the community could "punish" them. The expression "collared" arises from the wooden collar.
5. hxxhxx wrote:
 The necklace looks like seed pearls surrounding emeralds or jade or chrysoprase. Evening wear! (not "going to the supermarket" wear)
6. polenta wrote:
 If it were diamonds and emeralds I could sell it and buy a house!! I suppose COLLAR comes from CUELLO which means neck.
7. lalitha wrote:
 very beautiful necklace
8. Login wrote:
 Emeralds and pearls ... magnificent.
9. kyung wrote: