Title: S.F.
created on 20 Sep 09

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Comments on this picture (6):
1. arty wrote:
 He is a darling old man. Father Christmas on vacation?
2. Login wrote:
 S.F ... Saint Francis? It's a delightful face.
3. a4e4ka wrote:
 Wise man, nice pic!
4. Normal wrote:
 Perfect depiction of Jung's "Wise Old Man" archetype. 12th C Francis of Assisi left wisdom that transcends the ages. His day is OCT 4. Thanks for the portrait!
5. hxxhxx wrote:
 Sigmund Freud!!! Great cartoon. SF made an awful lot of money by inventing misery for his patients, absolving their husbands/fathers of stifling the female patients via his inventions. Grrr to SF.
6. polenta wrote:
 cigar missing