Title: the world is outside there
created on 04 Sep 09

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Comments on this picture (12):
1. Robindcr8l wrote:
 Love the detail in this, Polenta! That door is great! And the tiled floor. And her slippers! All of it!
2. flowerpin wrote:
 looks real
3. solosater wrote:
 That tile is cool!
4. five wrote:
 Excellent door
5. Angela wrote:
 Big WOWs Polenta! Animation & pic are terrific.
6. Angela wrote:
 Oh Yea! and the sightless aspect with that exploratory arm - excellent.
7. indigo wrote:
 Love the door! Very nice!
8. katpedro wrote:
 Very nice Polenta. The beautiful place.
9. Doug wrote:
 Great pik polenta! Love the door and the way it is positioned.
10. gwinnyb wrote:
 detail, detail, wonderful detail
11. Angela wrote:
 Polenta, have I misread your meaning in this?
12. Angela wrote:
 I meant pb, not anim. :S I thought there was secondary meaning to her having no eyes and the outstretched arm. Just checking. Nobody else saw what I thought I did anyway.