Title: Tony and his ball TONY Y SU PELOTA
created on 25 Aug 09

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Comments on this picture (35):
1. Robindcr8l wrote:
 So sweet, Polenta!
2. Ash12 wrote:
 This is really cute! Is he someone you know?
3. a4e4ka wrote:
 Oh, he is a darling! You're a master in realism, Polenta!
4. Emily wrote:
 Love it!
5. polenta wrote:
 thank you all and I am so happy that 11-year old Ash12 likes it. No, Ash I don't know him.
6. bettycracker wrote:
 I think he is blowing air in the ball.
7. gwinnyb wrote:
 this is the cutest ever polenta.. just adorable
8. belladonnis wrote:
 If he is anything like my girls at that age he is licking the ball!! So sweet like a snapshot taken in the park!
9. solosater wrote:
 It is quite a cute drawing polenta. Now, help me with my pronunciation. Is it PEE or PAY, LOW or LOT? I don't know this word yet and I don’t want to butcher it. I’ll check back for the answer tomorrow.
10. Ilikecolor wrote:
 Very well done!
11. DIAMANTE wrote:
  ¡Que lindo! Se parece a uno de mis sobrinos. Se ve muy dulce. Gracias por la sugerencia Polenta. Nunca había hecho nada con faces porque es muy pobre en colores y en figuras. Al final resultó interesante.
12. polenta wrote:
 PEL as in "pelican" and O as in "lot" not "low" . I would say the O is like the vowel in the English word RAW more than LOT. And don't forget the T is not pronounced as a D as you would many times do it in American English but a T. Good luck with your pro
13. horses wrote:
 The ball is bigger than he is. just darling.
14. polenta wrote:
 I was thinking solosater. Spanish is absolutely phonetic. Anytime you see an E it's pronounced exactly the same way. The same would happen with all the letters with some very minor dialectal variations. The spelling of the word GIVES you the exact pronunc
15. polenta wrote:
 pronunciation. You never need any dictionary to check its pronunciation. Dictionaries DON'T HAVE the pronunciation of words. Tell me if you understood.
16. picasso2 wrote:
 I understood. You explained very clearly. Que cosa lindo! I'm still smiling.
17. Login wrote:
 He is adorable.
18. solosater wrote:
  Yeah, Os are always "ah",Es are always "eh". Are As the same as Os then, I ask as a friend of mine, Anna, is always "Ahnnah" and raw sounds the same to my ear. How are Is and Us pronounced? This is good, no one has ever said the rules are always the sam
19. solosater wrote:
 No one has ever said the rules are always the same, that makes it less scary. I thought Os might be "Oh" like in "Oh my" but perhaps I'm wrong, let me know. And Thanks.
20. solosater wrote:
 Oh, I see the O in Tony, so that would mean the O is always that sound, yes? A=ah, E=eh, I=?, O=oh, and U=?
21. solosater wrote:
 And now I'm looking at PUEBLO and I know it is pronounced pweblo here is "ue" always "we" as in web? And "ia" is "ee ah" yes? Are there any I've missed?
22. solosater wrote:
 I think Y is "ee" as see and U is "ue" as cue and I is "i" as inn. I'm trying to think of words I know for sure how to say but I'm coming up blank on the spellings of most of the polite words;-)
23. polenta wrote:
 The answer is in a pic of yours.
24. solosater wrote:
 One more question and then I'll stop I swear! You said O is as "aw" in raw but we pronounce your polenta or and Tony and pueblo with a "long" O that is as bow or sew or go and we pronounce raw much like the A in car. Row would sound the same as Tony or pu
25. solosater wrote:
 Row would sound the same as Tony or pueblo so, are you confused or am I? It's hard to be sure in writing eh?
26. polenta wrote:
 the vowel O in Spanish is pronounced like aw in raw, or the O in core, or the o in bored, not like the ew in sew or the o in go.
27. polenta wrote:
 pueblo is pronounced like this: the ue is like the we in west and the final o in pueblo is pronounced like the aw in raw or the o in core NOT like the o in go. The o in go is "long" it's in reality a dipthong, it's TWO VOWELS: the o and the u. Don't be
28. polenta wrote:
 afraid. Spanish is phonetic, you can't be mistaken. There is ONLY ONE WAY.
29. polenta wrote:
 If you really want to know some more, the most important thing is that you MUST pronounce EVERY VOWEL even if it's stressed or not. We don't have obscure vowels like in English.To speak Spanish well you have to open your mouth and pronounce every single v
30. polenta wrote:
31. solosater wrote:
 All right, that helps, my stepfather is Polish & he says the same thing about speaking Polish, every letter is pronounced. We even butcher our own language, I guess it's no surprise we do it to others as well.
32. solosater wrote:
33. marius wrote:
 Great Spanish lesson here. Love this pic!
34. indigo wrote:
35. Peasy wrote:
 Cute picture, Polenta! At first I thought it was a huge ball of yarn. When I was a kid there was a book or story about a kid with a huge ball of yarn, but Now I can't quite remember anything but that. This is one of those things that will drive me crazy!