Title: forever PARA SIEMPRE
created on 22 Aug 09

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Comments on this picture (14):
1. lilalee wrote:
 Forever pretty!!
2. Angela wrote:
 BEAUTIFUL!!! ahhhhh
3. mrozowski wrote:
 This looks wonderful. It looks like a textile.
4. Trixie wrote:
 Very beautiful
5. belladonnis wrote:
 I love this!
6. Login wrote:
 You have developed a new style, polenta ... I like it.
7. kyung wrote:
 This is perfectly beautiful!!
8. katpedro wrote:
 Very nice Polenta.
9. inked_gemini wrote:
 Wonderful work polenta. Unique and beautiful.
10. marius wrote:
 Yes to all the above. Beautiful!
11. indigo wrote:
 ALL of the above, your gallery is very impressive!
12. kmkagle wrote:
 This reminds me of a hook rug being worked on. This is very pretty polenta.
13. matthew wrote:
 I missed this one... Matthew likes...
14. Ash12 wrote:
 I love this it is soooo good.