Title: pink art ARTE ROSADO
created on 17 Aug 09

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Comments on this picture (9):
1. bettycracker wrote:
 These colors remind me of a candy we used to get. It was a peppermint patty with a pink filling instead white. Who won?
2. polenta wrote:
 who won?
3. lilalee wrote:
 I think Betty thought it was tic-tac-toe!! Pretty art!!
4. faithfool wrote:
 Love your colors and how straight your lines are. Very nice.
5. polenta wrote:
 it's not tic-tac-toe. LOL
6. Angela wrote:
 This is so cool polenta!
7. belladonnis wrote:
 It looks like a pink frosted window sill and 1 pink carnation rubbed through the frost to see out! So bonito! (did i get that right)
8. matthew wrote:
9. indigo wrote:
 Nice! I like belladonnis's comment!