Title: this is the **cool.
created on 12 Aug 09

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Comments on this picture (4):
1. Robindcr8l wrote:
 Your stuff is so good, but do you think you could change the name of this one? My young son comes to this site and I don't like him to read swear words. You can press edit to change the name. Thanks and keep drawing all this great stuff!
2. peytonjansma06 wrote:
 aww thanks:) aand i changed the name! i didnt realize young kids went on here..
3. Robindcr8l wrote:
 Thank you so much! You rock!!
4. peytonjansma06 wrote:
 yep..anytime. thanks:)

User: peytonjansma06

Profile Picture for peytonjansma06

Date joined: 12 Aug 2009

Number of pictures: 12