Title: the monk EL MONJE
created on 10 Aug 09

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Comments on this picture (13):
1. belladonnis wrote:
2. lilalee wrote:
 You do draw some unique pieces, Polenta!! Very nice!!
3. sheftali52 wrote:
 Yes--very nice!!
4. pollyesther wrote:
 all of the above! amazing technique, just beautiful
5. matthew wrote:
 Very nice...
6. Login wrote:
 Clever ... and the replay is fascinating ... but why did you delete his facial features?
7. polenta wrote:
 Login, it was so tiny that I couldn't get the expression I wanted. I prefer it this way.
8. Robindcr8l wrote:
 Polenta, this is just lovely!
9. indigo wrote:
 Beautiful! And love the playback, I also agree with your decision on the face, before he looked very mean...
10. LadyO wrote:
 Another WOW!
11. Login wrote:
 Mmm ... I know what you mean by not being able to get the features right, in a small space ... I've had the same problem many times.
12. coho wrote:
 absolutely wonderful! i want this in my favorites but the button won't do it.
13. Trixie wrote:
 simply beautiful.