Title: Loch Ness Monster II
created on 09 Aug 09

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Comments on this picture (6):
1. indigo wrote:
 Ooooo..Like it!
2. Robindcr8l wrote:
 Veeeeery nice!! Perfect!
3. Robindcr8l wrote:
 Went searching your gallery for Loch Ness 1, and what a treat! You are utterly hiLARious! Such a clever mind. I laughed out loud at many of them!
4. pollyesther wrote:
 wow! great job! the the head backlit by the moon does the trick
5. LadyO wrote:
 Thanks! I liked my first one better, but couldn't submit it ... took a lot of time, so not much detail ..
6. kyung wrote:
 COOL! I love it! :)