Title: love trees ÁRBOLES DEL AMOR
created on 07 Aug 09

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Comments on this picture (12):
1. lilalee wrote:
 Polents, this is a 10!! I love this interesting concept!! I always thought trees had lovers!!
2. sheftali52 wrote:
 A delightful, quirky pic--love it!!
3. matthew wrote:
 WOW!!! This is such a great pic... I absolutely love the work & the idea behind it...
4. Nikkie wrote:
 look like hand puppets:> soooo fun:>
5. indigo wrote:
 I'm with Lilalee...a 10!! The idea is fabulous!!
6. LadyO wrote:
 You have the most amazing eye!
7. solosater wrote:
 What LadyO said. You always surprise me.
8. marius wrote:
 This is wonderful! Love it in every way! Thanks for all your art Polenta!
9. picasso2 wrote:
 Very unique idea. Me gusta mucho.
10. Robindcr8l wrote:
11. Normal wrote:
 This REALLY speaks to me!
12. Trixie wrote: