Title: earrings CARAVANAS
created on 06 Aug 09

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Comments on this picture (5):
1. Robindcr8l wrote:
 Ohhhh, these would go perfect with my new dress! Wish I could borrow them for the wedding I'm going to!
2. polenta wrote:
 I hope you eat delicious things, you dance a lot and... don't cry too much at the ceremony. LOL
3. Robindcr8l wrote:
 It's a Basque wedding and I'm told they are a BIG party! Boise Idaho has the largest Basque population in the world outside of Spain but I've yet to attend a wedding!
4. LadyO wrote:
 love these ... do they dome in pierced?
5. marg wrote:
 these are beautiful, polenta.. thanks for your welcome back and I will have to catch up on your other wonderful drawings tomorrow !