Title: Cutaway of Jupiter
created on 05 Aug 09

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Comments on this picture (10):
1. matthew wrote:
 Dang that must be one big @$$ knife...
2. five wrote:
 nice !
3. kyung wrote:
 Thanks to matthew and five!
4. sheftali52 wrote:
 Very clever!
5. pollyesther wrote:
 this is super cool!
6. Login wrote:
 Great imagination.
7. LadyO wrote:
 very clever!
8. kyung wrote:
 Thanks to all the comments :O)
9. marg wrote:
 how do you think of these ?? it's a great picture
10. kyung wrote:
 It's not my idea, marg. I simply thought what elements to use to depict the scientific things that I saw from 'Cosmos' by Carl Sagan.