Title: school tools- geometry set
created on 04 Aug 09

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Comments on this picture (4):
1. polenta wrote:
 Number one is a RULER. How do you call the others?
2. picasso2 wrote:
 #4 is a protractor; #3 looks like a safety compass; # 2 may also be a protractor, but I'm no sure. (Oh, I adjusted the Mac resolution to 1032 x 720 stretched and I now have berries, pigs etc.) Thanks for your help.
3. polenta wrote:
 Thanks. You know I thought number two was a SQUARE but this vocabulary will help me a lot.
4. Normal wrote:
 I'd call it a triangle, but it's clearly used to draw square corners. I like these: back-to-school is my favorite shopping season - always buy plentiful supplies of stuff I don't need.