Title: the housewife's tool - 2 uses.
created on 04 Aug 09

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Comments on this picture (9):
1. Arw65 wrote:
 lol!! great!
2. indigo wrote:
 L O L!! nice rolling pin! Thank goodness I have only had to use mine for dough... ;]
3. Login wrote:
 Ha,ha,ha ... I have a visual image of an overbearing woman, waiting to administer punishment to a wayward husband.
4. lynnspotter wrote:
5. Doug wrote:
 I thought this was supposed to be a "manly theme day". lol. Not beating up on men. Great pic.
6. picasso2 wrote:
 Oops, until I read the comments, I thought it was the two things you put in the end of corn on the cob. I stand corrected now.
7. Normal wrote:
 Fun idea, Polenta. (What DO you call those corn-on-the cob things?)
8. polenta wrote:
 You mean in Spanish? I don't know normal. Maybe "pinchos". I've never used them. As for in English I don't know either.
9. marius wrote:
 You are too funny polenta! This makes my day! : )