Title: playing soccer JUGANDO AL FUTBOL
created on 01 Aug 09

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. matthew wrote:
 Polenta, Intentional or not, this pic is 1 dementional... Would you mind if I redid this pic in a "depth" related "lesson" picture @ a later time??? I would appreciate it...
2. indigo wrote:
 Polenta I just figured out your picture...I could see the ball but couldn't understand the rest but now I do! It's good!
3. polenta wrote:
 Matthew. Don't mind at all if you do so. It wasn't intended to be one-dimensional. It was intended to be a kind of geometrical abstraction.
4. polenta wrote:
 As with a bad joke, a bad picture should also be explained. The man is almost falling while trying to get the ball. He is horizontal and the "boomerang" next to his head are the torso and arms whereas the other and opposite "boomerang" is the abdomen and
5. matthew wrote:
 Oh... no need to explain... I saw what was intended right away... just thought it would make for a great lesson... The lesson pic will take some time... but I will get to it eventually... perhaps tonight since i am not sleeping well...
6. five wrote:
 An interesting abstraction, Polenta, It needs the viewer to enter the picture in a way one doesn't ordinarily. There is some depth: the ball pops forward into a different plane.
7. marius wrote:
 Aha! I see where Matthew got his idea. Wish you'd put this in Mugdots XXII challenge, "airborne." : )