Title: deluxe model space boot
created on 28 Jul 09

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. Doug wrote:
 Good Morning! Alex and I just got back from a long walk. Hope my "shoe" makes your day brighter indigo!
2. Doug wrote:
 I've already got two ideas for next week. I just have to decide. Stay tuned!
3. indigo wrote:
 Oh Boy! Should be good! Nice space boot...I think Gene Simmons would like this one!
4. Doug wrote:
 Yeah! I should have put more bells and whistles on it. KISS was the first concert I ever went to..
5. indigo wrote:
 They just played Ottawa a couple of weeks ago and blew everyone away! AC/DC, Metallica,ZZ Top...just to name a few are playing her next month...what a dream!!
6. lilalee wrote:
 Does it have suction cups on the bottom!!
7. katpedro wrote:
 Nice one