Title: From Our World to Theirs. Animated
created on 26 Jul 09

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Comments on this picture (10):
1. Doug wrote:
 Ok comment away!!! It probably won't be everyone's "cup of tea", but I think Login will spin circles trying to analyze and interpret this one.
2. Doug wrote:
 It is about "space". Our space in this world with firey log cabins, to broken down grist mills, to different landscapes.
3. Doug wrote:
 And their world where yes "they are watching us". As I always say..."it is what it is". Twas fun to do.
4. mebu27 wrote:
 you certainly put a lot of work into it! the play back was mesmerizing.
5. Robindcr8l wrote:
 Doug, you've outdone yourself! Have you been taking animation lessons from your wife, who so poignantly depicted you burning the house down?? LOL!
6. Doug wrote:
 Robin: lol. So I'm the Monster Man and my wife is the animation queen. See I can do more than make monsters. I think this is one of my best works yet, but it won't go far. Thanks for the encouragement.
7. Sakari wrote:
8. indigo wrote:
 Wow! Very cool! LOVED it!
9. maddyjean08 wrote:
 You put a lot of work into it! Although I can't really tell what it is.... I did see the inside of a house!
10. dreamweaver wrote:
 Love it! Must have taken forever...