Title: Who remembers?
created on 26 Jul 09

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Comments on this picture (15):
1. polenta wrote:
 In my subconscious I have the idea that the first living being sent to space was a dog. Who remembers the name and could it have gone in a Sputnik?
2. Login wrote:
 You're right, polenta. It was Sputnik 2 and the dogs name was Laika. I remember it vividly. I can also remember watching the light of the first manned spaceship(carrying Yuri Gagarin), as it orbited earth in 1961. Of course I was well away from city light
3. Login wrote:
 ... and it was in the days when we took the Milky Way for granted. Nowadays, with light pollution from towns and cities, the Milky Way is a rare sight here.
4. katpedro wrote:
 Thanks for the info.
5. polenta wrote:
 thanks Login. I had the idea it was Lika or Laika. My husband said it was a famouns dog in films. Now he remembers it was "Lassie"!!!!!LOL LOL LOL What a difference!!!!
6. a4e4ka wrote:
 Sorry, but you're wrong, Login. Laika is the breed, husky. There were 2 dogs, Belka & Strelka. The meaning of the names is Squirrel & Arrow.
7. a4e4ka wrote:
 It was in 1959.Here is the photo http://www.google.ru/imgres?imgurl=h
8. Login wrote:
 I can't make your link work, a4e4ka. I have googled 'dogs in space' and found more info here: http://www.spacetoday.org/Astronauts
9. Login wrote:
 Laika (meaning 'barker' in Russian) was the first dog in space ... she didn't survive. Belka and Srelka were about 5th/6th and alegegedly survived.
10. Login wrote:
  ... allegedly.
11. Login wrote:
 ... remove the space in 'Astronaut s'
12. polenta wrote:
 oh my God!!! I hope someone is right!!! I didn't mean to start all this.
13. a4e4ka wrote:
 OK, Login, I do not want to argue, because we are both right. Laika is the breed of Belka, Strelka, Lisichka and other space dogs. Trust me on this, I am Russian. So it's just the matter of interpretation and misunderstanding.
14. a4e4ka wrote:
 Polenta, Login I found some info on the russian website - I am going to give it to you through the forum.
15. Login wrote:
 Thanks,a4ea4ka ... I'll catch up with you there.