Title: Sheep on their way home.
created on 22 Jul 09

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. solosater wrote:
2. Nikkie wrote:
 Wonderful!! Like it!!
3. indigo wrote:
 Oh I love sheep...but not on my plate! :)
4. kaylynn wrote:
 Very nice picture. Thanks for your comments on my work.
5. Login wrote:
 This is delightful ... it could be the meadow at the back of my house.
6. kyung wrote:
  I LOVE your creative idea!
7. Robindcr8l wrote:
 This is GREAT! Just saw it on Jigsawdoku! Lots of sheepherders around here in Idaho. We have a large Basque community and they are known as herders!
8. froufrou_fox wrote:
 Such a pretty pic. Your sheep are lovely.

User: katpedro

Profile Picture for katpedro

Date joined: 16 Jan 2009

Number of pictures: 1391
