Title: John Glazier
created on 11 Jul 09

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Comments on this picture (9):
1. lilalee wrote:
 This is the best!!! Great idea!!
2. indigo wrote:
 He's a painter and sculpter? That's what I found when I googled his name unless he is someone else...and to answer the question why I number my Gothic art, it's because I was at a loss at trying to name them all the time...lazy right? ha ha! :}
3. polenta wrote:
 he isn't a painter or a sculpter, he's a glazier.LOL.
4. LadyO wrote:
 Nice use of the background!
5. indigo wrote:
 Hi polenta, Check out John Glazier and you will see some beautiful sculptures!
6. Angela wrote:
 I love everything in this pic. right down to the shoes. You are so clever.
7. Login wrote:
 Clever use of that background, polenta.
8. marius wrote:
 Yes! Love how you used the background. Love the pic too!
9. Shanley wrote:
 yep, marius is 100% right. good work!